WhispyStars, born as [REDACTED], hails from a world of near eternal night and neon lights accenting buildings. The stars are nearly drowned out by city lights. Rain, snow, and a unfriendly dampness seems to permeate the world no matter where one goes. Many worlds would classify it as a "DYSTOPIA", but it is all that WhispyStars has ever known.Drawn to the idea of improving her world and knowing what came before, WhispyStars began to explore the areas of the city that were off limits. There, she found an old abandoned arcade named "MAV'S." Rumor has it that it belonged to one of the three great freedom fighters whose cause fell apart decades ago. She moved in with the intention of repairing MAV'S and perhaps revitalizing the movement through entertainment and bringing people together.Within MAV'S, she found a machine that allowed her to not only broadcast to her own city, but other worlds beyond her own. Controlled and run by the AI named RIPlee, WhispyStars learned how to reach into your worlds. Through interactions and stories, she hopes to learn the skills needed to save her home.